Danica Enns



Motrin: Tina's Uterus


Art Direction


MOTRIN set out to speak to women about pain in the same way they talk to each other, and carve out a niche to differentiate MOTRIN from its pain relief category competitors. After much thought and deliberation, we came to the conclusion that the best (and possibly only) way to achieve that would be from inside a uterus… more specifically, Tina’s uterus.

We imagined a staff that worked around the clock to bring women and their uteruses the ultimate in discomfort. Constantly coming up with new kinds of menstrual pain – shark attack from the inside, jumper cables, knives, even an evil wizard’s curse? All in a day’s work for the diligent staff of Tina’s Uterus.

Strategy 2019 (Silver)

Effie Awards 2019 (Bronze)

“Whiteboard” :15

“Layoffs” :15
