Danica Enns

Tylenol Muscle & Body


Tylenol Muscle & Body: TV + Social Campaign


Art Direction


Tylenol approached us to demonstrate how Tylenol Muscle & Body is uniquely designed to come through for Canadian men; specifically, dads. They wanted to stand apart from competitors and drive brand appeal by relating to our target in an authentic way.

Our insight revolved around the idea of dad strength. It isn’t just about moving furniture to make the perfect fort. It’s also about being a shoulder to cry on, a safety net when we fall, and a hand to pick us up. As the unofficial sponsor of Dad Strength, Tylenol MABP is specifically designed to relieve muscle and body pain so dad can get back to what he does best – lifting up those around him.

We created a TV spot and a series of social ads designed to connect with our target and champion all they do for their families.

“Dad & the Dragon” :15